Saturday, October 15, 2016

All In All

The Lord started a new thing with me.. Having to do with images. I had fun with the paint program in windows, until my little netbrook broke down. Now I have a chromebook which as you may know, doesn't have paint. But that's perfect, because pixabay has free to use pictures and my images were amateur at best. And I can use Sumo paint to resize.

I've been working on writing Revelation in images, and over the last week did the Book of Revelation's Chapter twelve, "Lesson One of the Book of Revelation in Pictures, which I posted on another blog. Today at morning prayer and reading time, I can see it has affected my psyche! Something about images coming down in columns.. (hmmm, like a scroll?) ..from Him.

And then I found myself thinking 'God is immense'.. everywhere.. (as we know..) and glorious..

I'm thinking one day it will be that all God's children, man and angelic, will stand before Yahweh in utter (awed) silence.