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Beguiling $ity Babylon, started at Tower Babel. And “like a queen” now “sits on 7 hills” (continents, i.e. is global). Her forehead/psyche, Mystery Babble - all confusion - is “responsible for all slain upon Earth”. That would be since Cain slew Abel. ..And since the adversary ‘slew’ Adam? That’s the problem with imperfection with - some - power of choice! Wrong choices will build on each other.. The potential is almost to infinity. The abyss of it.. Oppressors and oppressions are bound to occur.. Like God told Eve in Eden, man, the stronger would come to rule over woman. Which still occurs in some places today! And where it’s not, it could be on a roll again at any time. So it’s unavoidable. Isn’t it? That we have to learn Good from notGood - Perfect from “missing the mark” which seems to be a very virulent contamination. But God’s not lacking! Biggest part of the process is the remedy! And this is both individual and collective. Babble $ity (free enterprise, the farm, trading post, and general store, all hijacked and on steroids) “fallen! fallen!” is what is bound to occur. Is always and forever bound to occur. It is TOO totally imperfect! Dark alleys.. garish, glaring streets.. producing the dark alleys. “It won’t rise again”. (Rev. ch. 17 & 18)
An entity called “False Prophet” who has a “strong delusion” which “seats man [anthropos] as in the temple as god”/highest power. - This causes a “falling away” of what was once called Christendom. This “false prophet” has many modern “miracles” and wonders up his sleeve, including a coming triple 6 wonder. And he’s ENABLED some tricky events (13:13). And of course ‘he’/it has a false prophecy it is putting forth.
A many headed geopolitical beast (institution that goes beastly). It was, then wasn’t, then was again. (Yesteryear’s fulfillment was the empires of Rome.) This beast always rises from the sea of humanity.
A smaller beast from the earth (dust thou art) - a two horned office of man, which carried out the 13:13 fiery - “fire upon earth from the sky” event “in the sight of mankind” - notorious numbers 13:13, and is way more obvious than anybody(?) seems to notice (hello?) And this is the office which produces/becomes the notorious one called antiChrist..
Is The Day oF the Lord Soon 0r Swift - Greek word, tรกxos is translated in Rev/Apoc as ‘soon’ but means - swiftly, quickly.. Also in chapter one, Jesus said to hear, because the time was near.. Which is very accurate, as the whole vision begins when the ride of the white horse rider begins.. At the gospel’s going forth conquering and to conquer, and was openly victorious over powers and principalities.✝️
The vision is portrayed three times, each of a different angle (like curtains swept open to scenes).
6:1-2 to 11:19
ch.12, vs.17 w/ mt.23:39
13:1 to 19:11
All within the ride of the rider on a white horse - 6:1,2 &/-> 19:11.
The First Six Events/Elements Progress Throughout The Entire Age - Like horsemen continuing their ride.. to a canter.. then a gallop.. stirring up the dust as they go. Hence the moniker of “the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse” for the first four Seals broken open on the scroll/vision.
#1 - The gospel rides forth but brings a sWord not peace.. Openly triumphing over powers and principalities. Riding a white horse.
#2 - Wars, mankind’s always unwanted companion.. (This is later “given a great and long sword”/weapon.) Riding a red horse.
(Remember these seals are described start to finish. The description ‘dumped’? lol)
#3 - Scales (as always) unbalance. And as progresses, greatly so. Black. horse.
#4 - Pale horse of pestilences including manmade which death and the grave (mass) follows after. Pale Rider.
5th “Seal” on the scroll - Political, religious executions, the blood of which cries out to God like the blood of Abel did.
6th - The long sword (given to war) is first unleashed - same 13:13 event (by an office). But when described at its intro so early on in chapter six, the entire effects, from start to ‘end’ are portrayed. So as to what it is - it’s veiled “for many days”. Hidden in plain sight - 1st occurred in 1945. By end, it’s the first mention of a fiery ‘lake’ - event, not place. [This beginning, but full description of its total effects, first event to very last event, is in ch.6]
The winds of seal 6 are held in check for what to us seems quite a while - 7:1,3.
The winds of 7:1,3 (seal 6) are again unleashed. There is much geopolitical change and the many headed geopolitical beast (w/ the two horned office one?) comes to hold rule over the nations for 3.5 years. It blasphemes God, and persecutes many (more) [13:1-10].
There are loud, locust like (swarm? hover?) which will sting from their head and tail, and torment mankind for five months. (Sounds widespread. Martial law enforced?) Ch.9
Then lion like, which shoot smoke and brimstone (tanks?) gather for war. Ch.9
[16:13-16, Joel 3:14] Armageddon battle (Mt.13:30) the final full blown long and great sword event(s). Earth shakes to and fro, Isaiah 24:20. Christ returns, all believers “rise from the graves/tombs” and his long second advent begins.
A thousand years into it, Satan&Co. are released from the abyss - war once again occurs.. Fire from heaven consumes them. (Second lake of fire reference.) The resurrection of the rest of all humanity beginning judgment ‘day’ occurs. All this surely not flash in the pan, one and done events! But the last two phases of driving home the “you simply cannot stray” lesson. Truth is an “iron rod”. (An unbreakable measuring rod.)
After “the judgment” - Great ‘Day’ of Review & Closure - God declares “behold I make all new” (translators added “things” to the word “all” - Greek “pas”). There is a (fiery) universal ReGenesis. (Final and 3rd reference to lake of fire.) “All new” meaning, in Rev.22, there is narrative that is outside-of the vision, and logically, portrays initial conditions for some on the last great day called judgment and kolasis/correction, as is also true of the parable of the rich man and Lazarus.
“Behold I make all new. The tabernacle of God is with man [anthropos] and He will Tabernacle ⛺️๐️ with them..” (21:3,5). “The lion will eat straw like the ox, the bear will graze with the cow, and their young will lie down together” Isaiah 11:7. “Each tree its fruit for each month..” Rev.22