Monday, November 27, 2017

What Miraculous Power

Pilate and Herod "had been enemies", but on the day of Jesus' being accused and tried, "they became friends".

They didn't of course, become Christians or followers of Jesus, but just being in Jesus' presence brought them benefit. Changed something in them, at least long enough to become friends, from being enemies.

! What miraculous power is this?!

When He endowed thinking ability, it's like a Pandora's box was flung open!

Why? Because with thinking ability comes the ability to make choices. And so a whole new world (tree) of possibilities came about.

And letting everything run its course (obviously?) so that all things need to be "subdued". And by that whole process, the chaos exploding, and the subduing of it through Jesus (through whom all things were originally made) all things are restored.

And by end of subsequent ages (two?) everything is locked into place. Making perfect paradise for all. Love will be the ruling force. "God is Love" 1 John 4:8

A 'big bang'. From choas. To locked into (perfect) place.

! What miracle power is this!?