Saturday, August 20, 2011

PARALLEL - end times and 70 A.D

PARALLEL - end times and 70 A.D: (LUKE 19:41-44) JESUS said.. "see all these things?" speaking of the Temple area, "not one stone of these will remain one atop another.." Yet, there sits the "Wailing Wall", quite a few stones sitting one atop another.. I'm convinced (through prayerful contemplations) that this is the sign DANIEL spoke of in DANIEL 12:11 "one thousand, two hundred and ninety days after they remove" (STRONG's #5493) "the continual" (STRONG's #8548) "sacrifice, shall be set-up the abomination which desolates" // Jesus said - not one stone will remain upon another - DANIEL wrote - 1,290 days after they remove the continual sacrifice, the abomination that makes desolate will be "set-up". Happy the one who waits and comes to the 1335th day. (What event will occur on the 1335th day, aka, the 45th day of the abomination which desolates?)
 - As we know Jesus also included this "abomination" sign, when his disciples asked him "what will be the sign of your coming and the end of the world?" He included, "when you-see the abomination of desolation set-up, let all Judea flee.." (grafted and ungrafted? or that is to say natural and born again?)

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