Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Signs of the Times

Life now (this unavoidable lesson and journey we're on) is "like a roaring lion" always "seeking to devour". That's why it's important to look out for one another, one way being with good societal safety nets, retirement, and of course, healthcare. The paradox is, if we bite off more than we can chew, or if the number of people being assisted, and the people being paid to administer the assistance, become the majority, society cannot sustain it without draining the economy that supports it. This can lead to traumatic sufferings for the people, greater than current challenges and the societal sufferings and hardships of economic inequality. And having a governing that is powerful enough to gather so much, can become almost all powerful.
- Mankind is having a beautiful dream. People mean well (but spirits don't). They try for world peace, but a leopard has its spots (it's beyond fallen man and self).
- Bible prophecy, that crazy vision, the Book of Revelation, talks of two 'beasts' (in prophecy beasts are governments, two 'beasts') developing into tyranny. The first (Rev 13:1-10) a world beast (body) will be given "breath" (authority) by the second 'beast', said to be a man 'for we have his number' (Rev 13:13,11-18). This second one is identified as an office (horn, seat, "two horned") which "brings fire to earth in the sight of man" (Hiroshima, Nagasaki) and convinces mankind to rebuild the world body (into an image of the beast). Later, this same office will become more closely involved with the first beast (interlocking? stepping into?) bringing more life to it.
- It is said the first beast has seven heads (seven continents, is global). "The Harlot" (the greek = "pornos") another notorious Book of Revelation character (banks and corporations) sits on seven hills (goes global) and holds a $golden cup of the side effects of her hypnotic, enchanting, seducing effects over the world.
- The world beast (big and little, first and second) and its "ten horns" (last hour ten divisions, Rev 17:12) will raze "devour" the harlot (depleting capitalism). "In one day is her ruin".. "in one hour she falls" (crashes). (Rev 18:8, 18:19)
- Crafty human government has within it the trend to grow and expand (self interest) and has a way of eventually becoming individuals with too much power. Add to that shortage(s) (Luke 23:26,27,31 and Rev 12:16) and you have the makings of bedlam and marshal law (Rev 9:1-5, five months of).
- Man as Providence? Can it work? Or is it too much power granted? Why did God divide the peoples of Earth at the building of Tower Babel?

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