Thursday, May 31, 2012

The Four Horses of Apocalypse

Like thick velvet curtains slowly
parting, “Apocalypse” reveals its secrets,
and if we will settle back as if in ringside
theater seats, we will soon hear a
thunderous noise of approaching hoof
beats. Four powerful and notorious horses,
with riders, gallop steadily across the
stage, stirring up clouds of dust and sand
as they go. They are howling winds upon
the stage of time. Our hair blows back
from our faces, and sand stings our eyes
and coats our teeth. They soon dwindle
from our sight. But what we want to
remember is these “Four Horsemen of the
Apocalypse” once they begin their ride,
continue their gallop throughout the whole
(Revelation) production, with each gallop
becoming more thunderous and
pronounced at the ‘end’. It is in their
winds, that the rest of the Apocalypse
visions occur.
 ........ "A Nefarious Pentagram"

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