Thursday, May 16, 2013

Comparing Leaf To Leaf

So many people think that God is a myth. But if you really look at the so-called science of man's popular theory, there are a whole lot of loose ends.

If the second most held law of science, "the Second Law of Science", is the Law of Entropy, which means all matter is falling apart, how did matter do the exact opposite and improve to a level so much higher, namely life?

Some evolutionary scientists have answered that by saying "well, the sun entered the system long enough to suspend the Law of Entropy, we can see all plants and trees, etc. utilizing sunlight this way and improving/growing".

But, good fellows, (say the non evolutionary scientists) pluck a leaf off the tree, give it 24 to 48 hours, then compare it to a leaf still attached to the tree. In other words, as long as it is living and "alive" it can make use of sunlight to grow and make improvements. But when it is not alive, it cannot do this, indeed it burns up. This is why farmers and gardeners put their compost pile in the sunlight. Besides, how did the "system" come about in the first place, the highly organized, so perfectly balanced, it hangs on nothing, universe?

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