Wednesday, February 15, 2017

The Scroll of God

The Bibles we read come from a long line. What once were scrolls written in Hebrew, and words spoken in Aramaic (the gospels) went through the Greek language and were likely Hellenized like most other things. Then there was the Latin. So the Hebrew "sheol" where there was "neither doing nor thought" became first "hades" (Greek) a "place of the dead" and then "inferno" (Roman). Then came Signor Dante with his entertaining tales (in the 1300's). This was after some Norse tribes had brought into the lands their slant on an afterlife, named Helheim, shortened to Hel. And then of course came along (1600's) good King James, whose heart was likely in the right place, it's just by then the culture was saturated with these other (nonbiblical) ideas.

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