Tuesday, May 16, 2017


Lately I've been thinking how the Father and Son are all the government we need.

"The government is upon His shoulders" (Jesus') "there will be no end to the increase of peace." (Isaiah)

Father and Son - our sun and moon being a tiny shadow of - His Spirit of Life shines forth, into and throughout all things. Shining out from the center, all things revolving around His Throne.

But with rationality comes all manner of choice. (Thankfully limited, lol.) And it's being let to run its course.. afterall, what is learned under a dictatorship? Through faith (knowing and trusting) the redemption (from imperfection and its result, death) we align ourselves with the transforming power of grace. Ultimately (surely?) an all powerful force.

"....the Spirit gives Life." (2 Corinthians 3:6)

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