Sunday, June 3, 2018


I found God in a nontraditional way. I had been researching world religions, meditation and astrology.. That was 39 years ago. After some disillusionment with church interpretations of the message of God, contained in the Bible, I've been studying (the Bible) on my own. And now we have such great study aids and apps these days! Tracing the words in verses back to the original Greek (or Hebrew) is SO revealing. I tell you we have greatly underestimated Him! My son asked me almost 20 years ago - "Why was the tree of knowing good and evil in the garden?" and "Isn't it great we get to be an ant farm?"

You know.. I wasn't satisfied with my answers, so I prayed and the answers knocked my socks off. Clean off, and they're still knocked off. And it's ultimately so simple.

Short story we're no ant farm. 'Hell' is a mistranslation of four words (four words! Five if we count pit - the "dusty pit".) Any punishment is "corrective", especially seeing as he is Father.. "God is the savior of all" 1 Timothy 4:10. Jesus said He will draw all to Him, John 12:32. Philippians 2:11 - "Every tongue will wholeheartedly confess that Jesus is Lord.." (Taking into account the Greek.) And SO many verses which, somehow, go unseen. But alas, I am not the only one who sees them! Peace! God bless! [Note to self, make a list of web sites and blogs. is one I think of right away.]

A Daily Reading Schedule - The Gospels blended into two 6 month readings - Letters and the Prophets in the order believed written..

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