Thursday, March 21, 2013

God's Awesome Plan

For some reason I ended up reading about rebellion under Moses, in Numbers, and rebellion against David, in Chronicles, all in one day. I'm struck with how the message was 'if you rebel against my King, you cannot live' and how that is ultimate reality! (Psalm 2)
- God is life itself, the life force. To rebel against Him, to wander from Him, (surely?) is to wander from life and living. After both resurrections and the long day of 'judgment' (of all human history, etc) perhaps there might be some hold out, who says 'no, I choose not to believe, keep my name out of that book of life!'
- Maybe someone will have hardened their heart so hard against God, and hate Him enough to choose non-existence for their self. And all the crowd that does live, both heavenly and earthly, would mourn deeply. And no one would mourn more than the Father and the Son.. But wait! There's the Lake Of Fire! Put him in the lake of fire for an age and even another age if need be.. for cleansing by God's spiritual fire. For our God is a consuming fire.

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