Thursday, December 24, 2020

A Christmas Message

Why does helium make your voice rise? Because it evaporates (rises) so fast. If the Earth was billions of years old there would be no helium. Also the oceans would be way more salty. And the magnetic field around the Earth would be far less.

That creation began as a Big Bang is true to a degree. An explosion into everything in place, like a clock not running. Man with his telescopes cannot see the difference between it and when the clock was wound.. The flood some believe came about because fallen angels mated with Earthly women and humanity reached that stage of “every thought” thus act(!) “was evil”. [The only ‘hell’ is the one we create.] And a flood upon the planet for a year aged things.

‘Hell’ is thermonuclear - [Rev.6:12-7:3 - ALL the effects described as a blend]; [Rev.13:13 - pointing out an office that dominates ‘last days’ after 7:1,3 is interrupted] AND [Rev.16:14,16 - three fallen angels/dark entities are gathering the kings of Earth (politicians) to (fiery) Armageddon via the “false prophet’s strong delusion, which seats man as though in the temple as god”/highest power, which caused a “falling away” from the faith. ...The ‘kings’ being gathered via atheism -> socialism -> totalitarianism (communism/Sharia, etc.) Man’s last great idol to replace God Most High will not bring “peace”. Jesus is called “first” - Greek word “proto”. He’s the prototype (and “forever preeminent”). We’re just being programmed via experience. Engineered so “all in heaven and Earth” take this unavoidable journey/lesson all together at once. The lesson that God (is not only “love” - all of it, but also) is Life. Itself. And he “is perfect” (Mt.5:48) which makes imperfect the opposite of life (and an abyss of potential).

“And this is the plan: At the right time he will bring everything together under the authority of Christ—everything in heaven and on earth” Eph.1:10.

A re-genesis - 2Pet.3:12-13 (also a “lake of fire”.)

“The lion will eat straw like the ox, the bear will graze with the cow” Isaiah 11:7.

The story of “the faith” is Revelation chapter 12 - w/ Mt.23:39. Verse 17 is the gathering to Armageddon (think tares, bible students).

In Rev.22 there is narrative that is outside of the Revelation vision/scroll.

The second advent of Christ will consist of two ages, the “millennium” of a thousand years, and “the judgment” of 500 years (the pattern/outline is in the pattern of the ancient Hebrew Autumn holy days - Lev.23) - Matthew 25:46 - “these (the not yet saved/begun the prototype process, before their death) will rise into aionian-kolasis *AGE*LASTING-CORRECTION” (age 2, translated, everlasting punishment, oye) “but the righteous” (in this life being prototyped through grace, will rise) “into aionian life” (into “the thousand years”/millennium age).

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