Sunday, December 20, 2020

Was I A Grinch - Christmas And Easter

always told our kids that Santa was a game we played. Just sort of mentioned it. That’s because I didn’t want the story of Christ to be in the same category as Santa - tho, in all honesty, I very much see Santa as a big part of the character of the heavenly Father.

Over time both Christmas and Easter have gotten more and more covered over by, not only the materialistic, but those fun things like Santa and the Easter bunny, and eggs and all that.

Then came the icksnay on saying “merry Christmas”. Add to that a growing percentage of Christians deciding the days are heathen and therefor are forbidden. Sigh.. there go the annual reminders to those of us who haven’t yet learned it experientially.. that God who is Love sent - this is the Christmas aspect - to us the remedy to death - the Easter message.

Ever since that message began, there’s been the furious trend to bury it. [And to misrepresent it, which went mainstream, sigh again.] That’s a sure way to know how true it is! Anything purposely buried has to be a nugget we’re not supposed to know about!

I’m in no hurry to throw the days out. I’m more in favor of resurrecting them as a solid part of the culture. Even without understanding the truest import, they’re for good cheer.. Expressing fondness for our whole human family. That of course is the message of the saga of Scrooge. Just what is it that can make Christmas merry? We all know it’s the spirit of “good will”. Any reminder of that is (surely?) worth preserving.