Wednesday, December 9, 2020

What We Are Learning And How And Why

Everyone has their own journey and unique things to learn. But there’s one thing all are learning. The word “all” in bible verses, is translated from the Greek word “pas”. And its literal meaning is “every, all, the whole”.

There’s “a plan for the fullness of time, to bring all things in heaven and on earth together in Christ” Eph.1:10.

When all is said and done, it will come to pass that no matter how many visible options of straying and imperfection (or trees “of knowing both good and evil”) may be in the garden of life, no one will be interested. You know why? Because of being thoroughly convinced, and knowing, that God is Life itself. And since he “is perfect” (Mt.5:48) why that means imperfect is the opposite of life. And it’s all it can ever be.

Now, before you say “well why didn’t God just tell us that?” He told the first parents, “if you eat from that tree, you will die”. He even added “surely”.

“You will surely die.” As a matter of fact, history is totally proving that imperfection (life not in union with God) is a bottomless pit of possibilities. It can only ever result in trouble (translated tribulation), ruin (apocalypse, both individual and collective), and ultimately death (not existing).

The issue (or paradox?) being - how do you create genuinely able to think and reason beings, aNd, keep paradise/perfection intact? For sooner or later it’s realized one also has the ability to make choices.

I guess you put that visible option of imperfection in the original garden. You engineer it so “all in heaven and earth” take this (unavoidable) journey all together at once. And you let it run its course, interfering only to build in the remedy (rescue) and also to curb humanity’s early self destruction (via descent too deep into the abyss of imperfect possibilities).

Consider this, if he intervened for one.. he should intervene for all, and then what would be the point!? And since he iS life, he lives through everything. Every war, every murder, every single horrible thing that ever occurs.. to you, to me, to everyone.

So how will this whole thing be wrapped up? The Biblical prophecy theories are endless. Maybe Youtube will tell us! Lol.

     [Read the rest at your own risk!]

For a long time I’ve figured we’re at Rev.7:1,3. In the vision, the winds just released, when Seal 6 was broken off the scroll - of the Revelation vision - those winds are now being held back by “four angels at the four ‘corners’ of Earth”.

But you see, the Seals, and many other things prophecied, are described, when they first come upon the scene, as their FULL effects - first to last. I strongly believe the first Seal 6 occurrence was in 1945 (remember Fat Man and Little Boy?)

But it’s described as a blend of its first effects, with also its last effects (upon poor mother Earth).

Another unperceived thing is the same event was (surely?) Rev.13:13 (yes notice those numbers!) But it doesn’t pinpoint a specific person as everyone believes, but an office!

As of late, I think we have after all, moved along a little, to include Rev.8:1-5, along with, still, 7:1-3. A shaking up? Perhaps a harbinger occurred?

Coming along also (sooner or later) an interruption of the holding back of the four winds. A crises to be sure! And what will follow is the two of Revelation chapter 13 will ‘step up’. And before long a prophesied seven year “treaty and league with the many”.

Which brings us to the writings of the prophet Daniel (namely 9:27). And later, at Daniel 12:11-12, we are told that about in the middle of the seven years, the treaty will be broken with Israel. I think by the taking away or demolishing of the Western Wall, Israel’s current “holy place” where prayers, etc. are offered daily and continuously (Mark 13:1-2). But whatever it turns out to be, it provides a count down, because “1,290 days later” or about 3.5 years plus 30 days later, will be “set up” what’s called a final “desolating abomination” which I believe is the notorious 666 (upon human beings, which humans are meant to be vessels or “temples” of “the living God” who “is love” / all of it, all love everywhere). So what’s the next verse say? “Happy the one who waits, and comes to day 1,335.”

Now if that’s not saying happy is the one who comes to 45 days later, I will be very surprised. I think the last “ten days” is when it escalates from “cannot buy or sell without it” to “will be killed” - Rev.3:10; 13:17; and 20:4.

I could write much more, and a lot more in support of my theory, but you may be tired of reading already! There are one or two more things I will try to point out at another time. (Or maybe I already have, as I do keep saying the same things over and over. In the hopes someone will understand and be benefitted/avoid some trouble.)

“The bear will graze with the cow and the lion will eat straw like the ox” Isaiah 11:7. “The River of Life will flow to all parts of the world” Rev.21.

If or when reading Revelation chapters (surely?) lake of fire is earthly prophecy. Considering also that Jude (1:)7 pretty clearly says it is not a ‘place’ but event(s).

Also, chapter 22 has narrative that is outside of the vision.. like a summary or moral of the story at the end of a movie.