Sunday, December 27, 2020


I got my spiritual socks knocked off this morning. I was reading something that mentioned “Aaron’s rod” - how it was kept in the chest/ark of the covenant (did you watch the movie with Harrison Ford? I only remembered his name at the last second there, lol) - and I couldn’t remember the story of how the rod sprouted.

I thought maybe Aaron used it in the “parting of the Red Sea” incident, but no, God told Moses to stretch his hand out.. It was night and there was a column of fire between the Israelite camp and the camp of the pursuing Egyptian army, that provided light for Israel but not for Eygypt. “And the water was a wall as they crossed through.” I thought ‘wow.. What a scene!’

And after such a richly graphic experience, how could the people forget? And turn away from such a God? But then, that’s the thing. No one can remember him or follow him, etc. without the dimension within us that He is creating, and “sealing” in place. And in a day of so many ‘gods’ and mighty myths, it was thought to be an easy thing to switch gods or to acknowledge many of them. The whole problem of course is this ability to be able to think and reason! As it includes the ability to make choices.

And he’s using this unavoidable journey/lesson (of all history, etc) to create each one of us into being a sort of little ‘trinity’ — consisting of - God Most High and his Spirit/Presence; the Son who is “forever preeminent” called “the first”/Greek proto, the prototype; and the individual, in comparison a speck! But which God calls jewels - “jewels, in the day I make up my jewels”.

God is Life itself. So really, it can’t be any other way.

It was the graphic image that knocked my socks off.. And Truth, but truth always knocks my socks off..

He “is Perfect” (Mt.5:48). Therefore what he is creating can only be the best of all possibilities.

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