Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Everything I know

  In 3.5 Short Paragraphs

Is.24:20 is rev.10:4. (Test? rev.13:13 pinpoints an office.) Mt.13:30 is both rev.16:14-15-16 and/oR Mt.25:1-13 -> to serving called reigning during a long 2nd advent.. crowns of Life, not metal. Metals are “the world” (Dn.2:36-45, 7:7,19 (hello?) The world has donned sheep’s clothing and mask slippage goes unnoticed.. But on a Good note, Ps.91,46,23, Rev.7:15-17, Lk.1:33, Is.11:7, 1Tim.4:10.

We are at Rev.7:1,3 after the 1st. 6:12-17 event, described as a whirlwind of its entire effects, first to last, at the beginning of the vision, skews and veils the vision - which vision - Father loves a good riddle, hiding things in plain sight - is told 3 times.

[1]6:1-2 to 11:19; [2]ch.12, vs.17 w/ mt.23:39; and [3]13:1 to 19:11 ..the three rejoin at the 7th trumpet.. Jesus went (basically) from ascension to rev.4. All weeping, gnashing of teeth is fruit, cause and effect.. the dis-ease as part of the cure/immunity. 1Tim.4:10, Jn.12:32 and on into infinity.. as to the CU / UR in the scripture. Translation, lack of belief changed “all” greek pas into “all things”. It was big bang into universe as is, but a clock not running, then set in motion. There’s two obvious outlines of all this. The week plus one. And the Spring - and - Fall holy days of Lev.23, the 1st short advent, and the much longer, stretched out 2nd advent. Rev.21:1-5, Is.11:7. Rev.20 as the crests of waves only, and Rev.22 has narrative that is outside of the vision, Mt.25:10.

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And here’s a tough one - Dn.12:11-12 w/ Lk.19:41,44 and 1Cor.3:16, Rev.2:10. A Riddle and Math Problem.

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