Wednesday, February 12, 2025

MATTHEW 12 46-50

    πŸƒπŸ•Š️02/12 - GospeL Verses πŸ•Š️πŸƒ

46 - While he was still speaking to the crowd of people, word came that his mother and his brothers were outside, asking to speak to him. 48 But he replied to the one bringing word, “Who is my mother? And who are my brothers?” 49 And stretching out his hand toward his disciples/followers/students, he said, “Here. These are my mother and my brothers. 50 For whoever does the will of my Father in heaven is my brother and sister and mother.” {And then very likely of course he went out to them or had them brought in to him, being a good Hebrew/Jewish son and brother. Yet, we who believe/follow are truly his brothers and sisters, being progressively transformed into his likeness — and if he returns (fully) in our lifetime, we will go through the door of the ten bridesmaids parable (Mt.25:1-13) to help and serve, called reigning, during His long second advent of “the” millennium Sabbath rest, from enmity, and during the second half of the advent is - the “8th ‘day’” the “last great day” during which shall be fully removed from humanity the self first and foremost (foreskin) from off of humanity, Lev.23:36, Jn.7:37. The holy days of Leviticus 23 being another outline of Father’s “administration of ages” Eph.1:10. The first outline being the week plus one. The Spring holy days which were so perfectly fulfilled by the Lord’s first brief advent - died on Passover, in the grave as 1st Day of Unleavened Bread began (at sunset/hebrew days & calendar) and rose exactly three days later as weekly Sabbath was ending and third holy day, “Firstfruits” was beginning. So? Logically the more stretched out Fall holy days are fulfilled by his long second advent. A full scope version of his first so brief one (surely? since it is GOD who chooses WHEN each one is called, and corrected, etc).

     Revelation chapter 20 is told like describing the crests of waves, without much about the in between the crests.. a repeated way and theme of the scriptures.. (gap theories).

     And - the three mentions of “lake of fire” are at veRy large fiery EVENTS. Also this present life as we presently know it, of imperfection, which is entropy proceeding to death/state of being gone. A slow gehenna fade, and unavoidable, aLL important contrast. Unavoidable unless creation is to be a mere and total ant farm. And see how it is one and done! - For “all of heaven” angelos, “and all of earth” anthropos. God having opted instead of a total ant farm, for total ‘herd’ immunity. The dis-ease as part of the cure ..and immunity. God being (surely?) Life itself and “is Perfect”.

     “Perfect” also means the ‘end’ result of all this - greek word “tel” - the “end-aim” can onLy be the very best one possible.

     The Fall Holy Days (ancient, of Lev.23) -

TRUMPETS of Rev & return at the 7th — 10days/1000yrs later — (GWT) ‘DAY’ oF ATONEMENT, DOA for the INITIALLY doa, the inner conditions of SOME ->portrayed in the rich man and Lazarus parable and in the outside-of-the vision narrative of Rev.22. — 5days/500yrs later — TABERNACLES, “new heavens and earth, Rev.21:5, 2Pet.3:12-13, and “God will now TABERNACLE/tent/camp/dwell with mankind, Rev.21:3. (The - first - half of the “8th” day contains the adversary - first gone rogue one - is released, and he goes out and gathers mankind and nations - descendants of mortal survivors of the man done apocalypse/culmination, once again to war (slander, accusations, DIVISION sure to once again be the siren call) against the millennial Jerusalem.. then is the second mention of a lake of fire (occurring). Romans 3:4 - “..Let God be true though every person a liar. As it is written - ‘So that You (God) may be proved right when You speak and victorious when You are judged.” …One and done! Case closed. Truth proven. GOD is Life, and there is no other “way”.} Imho ✌🏼☮️πŸ•Š️

                       ~ * ~

πŸ—️ [  ] - word/language insights, usually from biblehub dot com - peering through translator partial unbelief; facts, cross references, etc.

      {  } - thots

Tomorrows verses - Matthew 13:1-17

My own studies. Verses paraphrased.

What we pursue is what we conform to?

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