Sunday, September 8, 2024

Adversarial Buffeting

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    🍃 We need not be buffeted by the adversary. He’s “the accuser” ..the mister negative.. Called Satan and slanderer.. Serpent, liar. His lies are serpentine. He threatens. But like daggers his threats fall broken to the ground if they hit our mighty, covering shield of faith.

     And didn’t Jesus our Lord show us exactly how to deal with the conspirer, seducer? When he said, “If you’re hungry, turn this stone into bread!” Ahhh.. but “it is written you shall not live on bread alone.. But by every word of God.” Two Timothy 3:16 says it’s - “All scripture for training”.

     Training for what? Don’t you think his long second advent will be a longer, wider (full scope) version of his first so brief one? With closure concerning all things.. all history.. for all people of all generations. And won’t there be helpers? Doesn’t that answer the question of why some are called now, and some not until they have risen into the GWT judgment ‘day’.. A ‘day’ of “kolasin aionion” / korrection eonian / an eon of correction, Mt.25:46. But of course both words have been translated as their most extreme possible interpretation.

     This seems to be a painstaking and slow process of sealing humanity and creation - we shall all have character clear as crystal! Both angelos and anthropos.. And all creatures.

     Just how do you create genuinely able to think and reason beings, aNd, keep paradise/perfection intact?

     God iS life. Surely? “In the beginning — God.” Then the onLy straight out from God one, the Son. Forever preeminent and “First”. Within whom all else was created, that was created. And within him  “all in heaven and earth” are - ultimately - being gathered - Eph.1:10, there’s no word for “things” in the Greek, but translators inserted it in place of “all” many times. They just couldn’t believe.. And entropy rules all, including communication and messages.. It all breaks down.. It’s dust to dust, God’s ‘wrath’ (greek orge - passion! Cause and effect.) All (things) are in this slow gehenna oven.. This is the consuming fire everyone is baptized with.. With Truth. Father and Son are so close, both administer God’s Spirit/Presence.

     God can onLy BE true. And Truth - Life. All else is consumed, fades away. It cannot endure because God is Life and God “is perfect” (Mt.5:48). Life as we presently know it, is an unavoidable, all important contrast and crucible. The dis-ease is part of the cure. All “will be (thoroughly) abhorred by the dead bodies” of Armageddon Battle/culmination of history.. and of their own dead carnal self that once was (the personal metaphor). “The smoke of it will rise up forever and ever” every heart, mind and memory. And when aLL is said and done we will all wear “crowns of Life” (not metal).

     There’s TWO vivifications of being made all new, perfect, and incorruptible. 1Cor.15:52 at the Lord’s return. And much later, at the (fiery) “regeneration” greek word “palin/again-genesis” of Rev.21:5 when God our Father says “behold! I make all new!” And by that, death dies.

      [1Cor.15:22-24,28 with Mt.13:33, keyword 3, three harvests, barley, wheat, aNd grape.]

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