Monday, September 23, 2024

£XpLaiNing ReVeLaTion 13 9-13

        WeeKly BooK oF Revelation

                paraphrased study

9 - If anyone has an ear, let them hear. 10 If anyone into (or taking?) captivity, to captivity they go. if anyone with the sword slays (usually translated, is slain [apokteinó or apoktennó: to kill, slay]) with the sword must they be slain. (Or slay?) Here is a call for - the endurance and faith - of the saints/believers.

     11 Then I (John) saw another beast rising out of the earth. (A difference, the huge beast, vs.1, rose up out of the sea {of humanity}. These two are integral to late days prophecy {additionally} evidenced by the angel in chapter ten - who had a ‘little scroll’ in his hands, and was standing with one foot on land and one foot on the sea.) (This littler beast, surely is essentially a modern, larger scope fulfillment of the “little horn” of Daniel’s prophecy which came out of a cluster of horns, and as it grew, it uprooted three of the other horns around it, Dn.7:8 and 8:9, Rev.12:14?) This one has two horns like a lamb but it (ends up?) speaking like a dragon. 12 It (also ends up) exercising all the authority of the first beast - in its presence (the little beast will unlawfully step into the prime horn/seat of the huge many headed geopolitical beast/entity/institution? A bit after the half point of a lauded treaty/league established after a crises which just happens to consolidate powers. But which treaty, alas, will only last seven years, and will be broken, in the middle, against Israel by “taking away or removing” their “perpetual sacrifices” ..of prayers, etc, oR place of, Dn.12:11-12 w/Lk.19:41,44 and 1Cor.3:16.)

     This (smaller, second) beast makes the earth and its inhabitants worship (be in allegiance to?) the first (larger) beast, whose mortal wound was healed. (The last days version/fulfillment, like yesteryear’s, was, was not, then was again.) 13 It (a two horned office) performs great signs, even making fire come down from heaven/sky, to earth in the sight of, and presence of mankind. (This fiery event pinpoints/ed an office, not yet an individual.)


🗝️ [  ] - word/language insights, facts, cross references, etc.

      (  ) - thots

See Intro - This Year’s Revelation Study


      The logic of things running their 

         course as opposed to some

                    sort of ant farm.

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