Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Oct-15 From Lk-20 Gal-5

 πŸ•Š️ A paraphrased NT scripture study

   (sometimes w/ commentary) 

  [and original language insight]


Today’s GospeL Verses ~ Luke 20:20-26

20 - The leaders watched Jesus. They sent spies, pretending to be sincere, so they might catch him in something he said, and could deliver him up to the authority and jurisdiction of the Roman governor. 21 So they asked him, “Teacher, we know that you speak and teach rightly, and show no partiality, but teach the true way of God. 22 Is it lawful for us to pay tribute/taxes to Caesar, or not?” [To deny Caesar was punishable by death.] 23 But he knew their trickery. 24 “Show me a denarius,” he said. “Whose likeness and inscription is this?” They said, “Caesar's.” 25 He said, “Then render to Caesar that which is Caesar's, and to God that which is God's.” 26 They were not able to catch him in his words. Marveling at his answer they became silent.

         - - - - - - - - - - - -

From New Testament Letters

     (In the Order Believed Written)

                ~ Galatians 5:9-15 ~

9 - A little leaven (in this case, untruth) leavens the whole lump. 10 I have confidence in the Lord that you will take no other view, and the one who is troubling you will bear the consequences, whoever it is. 11 But if I were still preaching circumcision/the Law, why am I being persecuted? In that case the offense of the cross has been removed. 12 I wish those who unsettle you would go all the way and emasculate theirselves!

     13 For you were called to freedom. Only don’t use your freedom as an opportunity for the selfish nature and transgression, but through love serve one another. 14 BECAUSE the whole law is fulfilled in one word: “You shall love your neighbor as yourself.” 15 But if you bite and devour one another, watch out that you are not consumed by one another!


πŸ—️ [  ] - word/language insights, usually from biblehub dot com, and facts, cross references, etc.      (  ) - thots

Tomorrow’s Verses:

Luke 20:27-40

Galatians 5:16-21

Acts & Rev - weekly

Recently Jonah, Daniel

psalms - jan-1-19 / feb-2o's / mar-3o's / apr-4o's / may-5o's / jun-6o's / jul-7o's / aug-8o's / sep-9o's / oct-100-110 / nov-11o's / dec-12o-15o ..the psalms are very prophetical in an overview sense.

⛲️ Is.11:7 - The lion will eat straw like the ox!

Humanity and creation will be sealed with God’s Spirit/Presence. This is logic, for is anything else possible? For surely(?) God is Life.

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