Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Separating Truth from Truth

     Positive feedback is good, encouragement and acceptance is good, beautiful and perfect. But within my own self, I have found that it is better to die to the old self. For I pondered what I might be like if totally separated from God ..If that were possible, as He is Life, itself.. the breath and spark of. But without God it becomes self first, everyone operating on the program of self first. With time and circumstance, it becomes dog eat dog, territorial and power disputes, wars.. personal and global. And here, is the literal with the metaphor - we should quit trying to separate them, it’s not possible. All of life is a metaphor. And it’s also literal. Towards the closing of the Revelation vision, is armageddon. [Mt.13:30 btw.] In a late act, the curtain closes upon a ravaged earth scene with dead bodies. Then it says we will forever be abhorred by the image of the dead bodies. By the conclusion of self first. And also the all important metaphor of being completely abhorred at the idea of our own self and character without God’s Spirit, especially over time and circumstance as to what we might be, as all Good originates in Him. Yes, all of our fellow persons are good and decent deep down.. but I think it’s best we let loose of the carnal self, not have it built up, encouraged and accepted.

     Now God has our perfect blueprint. But divorced and devoid of his Spirit/Presence, it cannot be fulfilled. Imperfect cannot make itself perfect. We are robbing people, new, baby believers, if we don’t get the gospel right. It is all totally good news. But there’s also natural law and logic.

     I have never told anyone they are a sinner. Lol, that to me is the wrong gospel. Nor do I say they/we are not sinners [greek word hamartia - missing the mark]. Who am I to contradict God? And such new age thinking doesn’t yet work. It just won’t work. Acceptance of all is perfect, in a perfect world.. the one God’s creating. Has been creating from his first act of creating.

     Our message has to be to the inner person, the part that is seeking God. The tiny candle flame seeks the all encompassing flame of Life, and Love. Harmony. But every one of us has a self that has to be allowed to be crucified with Christ.

     Those Nephilim of old.. the Titans.. the horrible legends of ‘giants’ of self first.. Whether fully human or demon hybrids, doesn’t really matter.. Same conclusion, possibly accelerated. Without the adversary&co. how long might this drama take to play out? Daniel said “I beheld till thrones were cast down, and the Ancient of days was seated..” A judgment seat? Sure. But lately I’m thinking of it more along the lines of Shakespeare who said, “all the world is a stage”.

     The missing pieces are the two ages that make up the Lord’s long second advent. Rev.20 is told like describing only the crests of waves, with no in between described. In Mt.25:1-13, the ten bridesmaid’s parable, what is the door really to? And what is involved and included?

     Jesus cannot know - be in intimacy with - the carnal self of a person. But of course this is not an eternal, never-ending state! God “is perfect”. Anything less than the best possible ‘end’ result, is not possible! [End - greek word “tel” - the “end-aim”. We can be assured he shall get all of his end-aim. We may as well get with the program now..? What a Great invitation.. if we are called now, during this brief lifetime. The clue is “crowns of Life” (not metal) yet “all” will have them in the ‘end’.]

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