Tuesday, July 2, 2024

A Covering Seraphim

    I watched a video, a short, and then later realized in my studies has been coming up the phrase “about to happen”.. And now I find myself thinking of it in terms of this — I’ve thought to myself how patient God is, how he waited a long time for the first bound to occur rebellious thought to happen and fully mature, before creating the universe and man and woman.

     “In the beginning God..” alone. Undifferentiated. Then became the “only begotten” - only straight out from God one, the “firstborn over all creation” - the Son.

     Sometime later.. Father and Son create spirit beings, the angels. And that some “left their first place” shows they were endowed with thinking and reasoning ability. Using the King of Tyre - as a type - the occurrence of the first bound to occur stray and rebel thinking is made mention of (in Ezek.28:14). The adversary, the serpent in Eden was a “covering cherub/cherubim/seraphim”. See link to the short below, and Rev.12:9.

     So now I realize, covering seraphim of what? Eden. All ready and set up, for the seditious thought of a covering seraphim that “was about to occur”. And the ark of the covenant portrays this whole story..?! The covering seraphim (plural) over creation (angels helped ‘build’ doing God’s bidding?) ..And one day while looking down and covering with wings stretched out.. the first fully formed imperfect and seditious way of thinking - “I - will be God.. I will! Ascend..! My throne, my seat above His.”

     A first straying/imperfection, which set in motion the change of everything. And by this, God engineered it so that “all in heaven and earth” take this unavoidable journey/lesson all together at once. Otherwise each thinking, reasoning, thus able to make choices being, would stray in their own timing, one now, another later.. etc. etc. and etc., taking virtually ‘forever’. And what a disorganized mess!

     Two major questions concerning life - what are the options for a creation? [1] A total ant farm? Or [2] not? And second question, just how do you create genuinely able to think and reason beings, aNd, keep paradise/perfection intact?

     God being 100% unfettered Genius, and who “is perfect” (mt.5:48) is up to the task. He has “subjected all (of us mortals) to disobedience/straying” (Ro.11:32) all at once. As sooner or later all are bound to have a questioning God thought. Which is imperfection, the opposite of Life/Perfection, God.

     And so it is that Jesus “will draw all” (Jn.12:32). He said - “All those in the tombs/graves” — and God surely(?) is Life, and “is perfect” so straying/imperfect can never work — they “will hear God’s voice and will come forth” (from the graves/tombs) “some into the resurrection of life” (into THE millennium and long second advent, to serve called reigning.. for to do His works is surely to reign.. crown of Life, not metal). “And some in the resurrection into the” (GWT) “judgment” ‘day’ (Jn.5:28-29, discernment day?) which elsewhere He calls agelasting correction [“kolasin aionion” oR “korrection eonian”] Mt.25:46. The completing of drawing all! And surely(?) it’s a same process of refinement/correction/learning for all. The crucible being life as we presently know it - this unavoidable, all important contrast - until vivification either at 1Cor.15:52,53 or at Rev.21:5, 1Cor.15:24-28. All shall have character, and thought, which is clear as crystal. Humanity and creation sealed.

     Lake of fire is earthly prophecy.

Oxygen, air.. breath of life, this life and living is on fire.. Ever had a compost pile? Life as presently known - imperfect - is a living parable of the decomposing ‘apple’/or fruit, and its worm (decay) that does not quit.

     The good news of the Kingdom (and of the resurrection) is - “God will tabernacle/dwell with mankind.. everyone living under vines and fruit trees.. the lion will eat straw like the ox. The bear will graze with the cow, with their young will pasture and lie down together” Rev.21:3, Micah 4:4, Isaiah 11:7. “His kingdom will never end” Lk.1:33.

Link to the short - the serpent is a seraphim

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