Monday, July 22, 2024

Avoid The Bogs

Homosexuality, adultery, cohabiting, theft, etc. etc. are all non issues to me. Those are inner things to be worked out in each person by their self and God. To everyone the Spirit of God says “Come! Come to the waters, whosoever will.. And drink”. And what is this strange trend/wind telling them not to respond? Not to follow?

     “The Way” has two huGe boggy ditches on either side, the two L’s - legalism, a system of rules, change imposed from without. And license, the intended inward change, does not take effect. They remain in the mire of humans determining good and evil (greek word “ponΓ©ros - toilsome, bad” ..what is soul and society corrosive).

     The trending idea we must approve and, or judge human behaviors.. take a stand, only causes division.. bitterness, dislike.. arguments, labeling, stereotyping.. Surely none of these are a fruit of the Spirit. And this is why the Spirit/Presence of God was, and is “poured out”.  “Abide in Jesus” and “abide in the scripture”. We mustn’t fall for the sinister plot begun by translators preferring the harshest possible interpretations! Our N.T. especially, is an overflowing treasure chest. Also realize God gets grief, a bad rap, for not stopping great evils. And he gets grief for stopping great evils, in mankind's formative ages.. Why do we think Father and Son confused the language at mankind’s building of Babel Tower? “Nothing would have been beyond them”. All working together, all under one rule, self destruction would have been nigh so - very - long ago.. Why? Because man needs the inner change that is offered, and shall be. Until then, we should be “wise as serpents” very discerning “and harmless as doves” including harmless to the LORD’s sheep, bad info - either ditch - corrupts the temple. “Make the path, the way straight!”

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