
  ~¶ Man looks through telescopes so powerful they can almost look back into the center of the big bang. Through quiet prayer, we can look to that center, into the primordial spirit (great spark of life) from which we came.
  ~¶ Some theorists believe measuring our rate of expansion shows a billions year old universe, but explosions don't move at a steady rate. Many measurements have been done on land and seas, that date the earth as very young. The fossil record shows all life forms as having blossomed forth, in their full and current forms, their fossils and remains trapped in a geological layer of sediment, a result of earthly cataclysm; including dinosaurs, which scientists have now found, were contemporary with humans.
  ~¶ Other theorists believe eventually the galaxy and universe will become a blackhole, where gravity will have pulled everything back into that original center. Apocalyptic writings of the bible tell of a time, just before man made total global cataclysm, when Christ returns to teach and heal for a thousand years. After which, the earth and heavens will be rolled up like a scroll, and a new heavens and earth will shine forth, made wholly new - paradise and perfection fully restored, and locked into place in every heart.
  ~¶ Deep in the center of the heart, of the original spirit, we see a garden.. green and majestic.. with blue sky.. yellow sun.. trees.. mountains.. valleys.. rivers.. angels.. heavenly praising beasts.. creatures that glide through water.. and others which glide through air. An unbreakable Paradise, and Family of many beautiful branches, is taking a long time to build.. and perfect...
  ~¶ Just as everything has gone away from the face of God, so too, will it be gathered back in. All things are being gathered back into Christ, the first element, only begotten, through, and into whom, all created things were made.
  ~¶ Evil, death, or predator-ness of any kind, were not in the garden, the original design of God. The tree of the knowledge of good and evil was there. It had to be, it's reality. For certain potentials and possibilities just were; if you were going to endow individual life and freedom, which can only be bound to bring the ability to choose. The amazing thing is how all are taking this unavoidable journey, now, all together.. for all time and ages.
  ~¶ Without the tree of the knowledge of good and evil (the ability to make choices, albeit, thankfully, very limited) we'd all be a mere ant farm... who of us would joy in that forever?
  ~¶ The potential and the possibility of forever flying away from the center (of all gravity and magnetism) is real. But if something forever flies away from the center (big bang & father) it will eventually become separated from the life force. To be fully separated from the life force, is to not have life. This journey away from God / Life / Perfection, has to be checked. It's in our destiny, to be personally rescued and restored.
  ~¶ Back in the garden, is a heart who patiently waits... patient but not idle. When his children first wandered away, he told them earth's guide, restorer and saviour, would be born of a virgin. Many myths and ancient religions grew out of this memory.. But not until the seeds of the modern world were lying amidst the disintegration of much of the old world, did that guide come forth. In his life, was the completion of all mystery, magic and miracles. And it is through him, that all return and are reunited with God/Life/Perfection. He is our example and the "exact representation" of the Father (or supreme power's) personality, character, nature and intent.
  ~¶ At this restful retreat, the saviour, what some may search for as cosmic consciousness, bliss, nirvana, christ consciousness, is called

- The Son -
"Of. the increase of His government and peace there will be no end.."
- Isaiah 9:7. "His kingdom will never end.." Luke 1:33