Thursday, June 27, 2024

Be still, and know I am God

 πŸ•Š️🀍  I strongly believe in the benefit of times every day of stopping what we’re doing.. And seeking Him, Yahweh.. Sounds like a breath some say. He is Life. (We, humanity went astray, not him. Never him. If in creation there was no possible option to stray? That would be?)

     To stop, breathe, clear our mind and quiet our heart. “Be still, and know, I am God” (am life, perfection, all affection ..pure affection, fountain of life, peace and joy. Source of every good thing.)

     It’s come to my mind a number of times that there shall be a time.. a moment or so of universal stunned silence in awe of what God has done (created).. a universal moment of silent stillness.. “slain in the Spirit” every last being and creature..

     And we can have a prelude of that every day.

Is there unrest? It’s not in him. Here’s a bit of prophecy..? The mystical value of triple 6 .. carbon based humanity, man. With it’s atomic number of 6 because it has 6 protons. It also has 6 neutrons and 6 electrons. What might that riddle suggest? Suggests to me, what with the riddle showing up at the culmination of history, it suggests apocalypse and all before it - that it’s all man. All mankind’s doings. If I dared to, I would swear on a stack of bibles, that God’s “wrath” is cause and effect. Uh oh, a fav rabbit hole, prophecy..πŸ€“ So many intriguing riddles..

 PART 2 

     So talking about the “wrath of God” how it’s cause and effect.. You know - it’s that he created a cause and effect universe, and it’s why he can claim it all, all judgment, as His. A part of the biG riddle. He is (surely?) first and foremost Life. And second, love. True and honest, and pure, love and affection. ..The more we want others to be happy, the closer to him we are being.

     What might this lead us to think about the bowls in the revelation vision? They would be the final results the vision calls God’s wrath, the consequences of whatever it is mankind has been up to, which led to it.. and actually, pretty much since humanity began. Which is the Armageddon battle? Yes? (Straying/imperfection can never work, and it’s an abyss of potential.) For what is written, is that Jesus returns “lest there be no survivors”.

     The wrath and some of the trumpets.. what does it all sound like? I also get the impression the bowls, “poured out quickly” are pretty much simultaneous..? What could it possibly be? A fiery lake at fiery armageddon.🀷🏼‍♀️ There’s three mentions of fiery lake/lake of fire.. Do you know “fat man and little boy” are in the vision? Rev.13:13, but it pinpointed an office, not yet(?) an individual. But the biggest part of this thread if the vision, we can’t see without understanding the vision’s told three times - 6:1-2 to 11:19; ch.12 w/mt.23:39; and 13:1 to 19:11, the three tellings meeting back up at the seventh trumpet.

     And, without knowing how the seals - being described at the beginning of the vision as their full and entire effects, first to very last - veils what they are, and skews the entire vision - everyone squeezing the vision into “7yrs only”. (Clue, seal 2 is Ps.2.) Considering this about the seals, now what jumps out if we read seal 6 - notorious number 6, man’s # - ch.6:12-17. And then read 7:1,3?

     There’s also this! Rev.16:13-16 is the gathering to Armageddon. Mt.13:30, the gathering of the tares (still wild weeds, not yet saved and submitted/enlightened) iS the gathering to Armageddon (12:17).. What? You thought it was God throwing living beings into fire to be burned up forever and ever? (Or for a while.) Whose fantasy might thAt be!? ..Sounds to me like he just might bring it about, but earthly of course (aionion - pertaining to the age). The two other mentions of “lake of fire” is at the adversary’s fiery, finaL defeat, Rev.20:7-10, and then some time later, at “the regeneration” - note: Jesus spoke the phrase “at the regeneration” - the greek word is “palin/again-genesis”. Third mention is at the fiery, universal palingenesis/ReGenesis, Rev.21:1-5, 2Pet.3:12-13.

     At the risk of boring you, 2Pet.3:10 and 12-13 - fiery bookends of the Lord’s long second advent?

     One more (important) very brief post (Dn.12:11-12 - Lk.19:41,44; 1Cor.3:16).

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