Friday, June 28, 2024

WeekLy BooK oF Acts 5 1-16

 a paraphrased study

Lest we cringe over this next, we should consider that one’s being gone (hades-not seen, state of being gone, until resurrection) from this present life and age, is not the same from God’s view as ours.

     1 - But a certain man, Ananias and his wife Sapphira, sold a property, 2 and decided to keep back some of the price, and tell the apostles a different price. 3 But Peter said, “Ananias, why did the adversary fill your heart to lie to the Holy Spirit? 4 It was your property, you could do with it as you wanted, and after you sold it, the price was yours to do with as you pleased. So why did you purpose in your heart to lie, not to us, but to God?” 5 After hearing this, suddenly Ananias fell down dead, and great fear came upon all who heard about it. 6 Some of the younger men wrapped him in burial cloths and carried him out.

     7 And about three hours later, his wife, not knowing what had happened, came in, 8 and Peter asked her if such and such was the price for their piece of land, and she answered that it was. 9 Then Peter said, “I can’t believe your husband and you thought to tempt the Spirit of the LORD (of Truth and Life). Those who have buried your husband have just returned and they will carry you out too.” 10 And sure enough she fell down right then and the men did for her as they had for Ananias, and they buried her by him. 11 The Jerusalem believers became very sober minded, and fear came upon all who heard of it. 12 Meanwhile, many healings and wonders were happening through the apostles. And the believers were of one mind and united in purpose, and meeting in the porch of Solomon daily. 13 And no one dared join them except the truly believing, though they were respected and regarded as friendly by the people. 14 Many more, both men and women, were becoming believers. 15 And the people would bring the ailing where they could upon mats and couches, hoping for Peter to come along, for it was said even his shadow would bring healing. 16 People were also coming in from regions and cities outside of Jerusalem, bringing their sick and those harassed by unclean spirits, and they were all healed. (I think it will be like this, only greater, after the “second resurrection” during GWT judgment ‘day’ [aion, Jn.7:37; in Mt.25:46 called - “kolasin aionion” / korrection eonian] / an age oF correction, noT ‘eternal/neverending punishment’ which of course defies aLL logic-root word logos.)

 πŸ—️ [  ] - word/language insights, facts, cross references, etc.

      (  ) - thots

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