Friday, June 7, 2024

Jesus Is Lord

I saw a radiant dove.. and it was over all the Earth..

2Tim.3:16-17 - All [pas] Scripture has been breathed out by God [theopneustos - God-breathed, i.e. inspired by God, from theos - God, and pneo - breathe out] and is for teaching, convincing and correction. And for training - that the person of God may be complete, and equipped for every good work.

And Prophecy

   After a large crises, is a treaty/league of the many that lasts only 7yrs, and is broken in the middle against Israel - Dan.12:11, Lk.19:41,44. — Then 1,290 days (about 3.5 yrs plus 30 days) later, the final abomination that desolates, this time upon human temples meant for God’s Spirit/Presence? (1Cor.3:16). Happy the one who waits, and comes to the days 1,335 - Dan.12:12. Which is 45 days later? The last “ten days”escalating to the most critical? Rev.2:10

Jesus said he “will draw all” (Jn.12:32) and said - “All those in the tombs/graves will hear God’s voice and will come forth” (from the graves/tombs) “some into the resurrection of life (into THE millennium). And some into the resurrection of judgment” ‘day’ (Jn.5:28-29) which elsewhere He calls agelasting correction [“kolasin aionion” oR “korrection eonian”] Mt.25:46, the completing of drawing all! Some will serve called reigning, with crowns of life, not metal. And surely(?) it’s a same process of refinement/correction for all. The crucible being life as we presently know it - this unavoidable, all important contrast - until vivification either at 1Cor.15:52,53 or at Rev.21:5, 1Cor.15:24-28. We shall have character that is clear as crystal. Humanity and creation sealed.

An Outline?

The Fall Holy Days

TRuMPeTs of rev & his return

    1Odays/1OOOyrs later — 

DaY oF AToNeMeNT total closure of & for all

     5days/5OOyrs later —

TABERNACLES πŸŽΊπŸŽ‰ - “the regeneration” greek “palin/again-genesis” a fieRy palingenesis - “Behold I make all [pas-all] new!” and death dies by it - “God (YaHWeH) will tabernacle with man” - Lev.23, Rev.21:1-5, 2Pet.3:12-13 (Is.24:20, 11:7)

I saw a radiant dove.. and it was over all the Earth..

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