Saturday, December 7, 2024

Revelation 18 1-8

 WeeKly BooK oF Revelation

      By Necessity Slightly 


1 - After this I (John) saw another angel coming down from heaven, having great authority, for the earth was made bright with his glory. 2 And he called out with a mighty voice, “Fallen! Fallen! is Babylon the great! ‘She’ who became a dwelling place for demons! A haunt for every unclean spirit, every unclean bird, for every unclean and detestable beast. {Spirits like, and act like, unclean birds/vultures and detestable beasts.} 3 For all nations have drank the {unclean} wine of the passion [orge - passion, translated often as wrath] {so includes consequences?} of her sexual vices.

     The kings {leaders} of earth {are in bed with} have committed immorality with her. And the merchants of earth have grown rich from the power [dunamis - power, strength, ability, might, miracle, dynamic] of ‘her’ indulgent and wanton/loose living.”

     4 Then I heard another voice from heaven saying, “Come out of her, my people, lest you take part in her sins, and thus share in her plagues. 5 For her sins are heaped high as heaven {‘she’ shakes her fist at heaven?} and God has remembered her iniquities [adikΓ©ma - wrongdoings, injustices, offenses]. 6 Pay to her as she has paid to others, and repay her double for her deeds, mix a double portion for her in the cup - she - mixed. 7 As she glorified [doxazΓ³ - bestowed glory, honored, praised] herself and lived in indulgence and wantoness, so give her its torment and mourning. Because in the heart of herself she says, ‘I am a queen, not a widow, and mourning I shall not see.’ 8 For this reason her plagues [plΓ©gΓ© - plagues, wounds, afflictions, blows] will come in a day, death, mourning, famine. And she will be destroyed by fire, for mighty is the LORD God who judges her.” {Only Good and True can stand, and endure.}


πŸ—️ [  ] - word/language insights, facts, cross references, etc.

      {  } - thots

See Intro - This Year’s Revelation Study

The πŸ—️ to clearly seeing the vision is consistent study. Soon it emerges. 

      All πŸ“œπŸž+πŸ·πŸ•Š️(+Logic)

Logic of things allowed to run their course..

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