Friday, May 17, 2024

Life As A Slow Motion Gehenna

 πŸŒ™πŸ’­πŸŒ΄ 05-17-24, had a dream of a big pot, it had two handles on either side and it was white (but it didn’t start that way?) its lid was no where to be seen ..As we know per Zechariah, the pot is wickedness ..then during a.m. prayers.. I saw the earth, the grass, the trees and the earth as a whole dry up, become brittle and instantaneously wither away.. like watching an apple decompose in super fast motion. It was totally devoid of the burst of Life and light that Life is..

     So many believers still lost in the mist of the myths ..running around proclaiming immortal soul.. don’t we even get it yet? Imperfection, one tiny step away from God, uninterrupted, is an abyss. The bottom of the abyss is death. Literal death. Not being.. the opposite of life. It can’t be done. I won’t go into it any further right now, how to knit the pearls together to solve God’s logos riddle. Yes, the “end-aim” is Jesus. See the image. That’s the blueprint. And so mankind and creation will be sealed. Suffice it to say thankfully creation is to be more than an ant farm. I’m thinking instead God opted for total ‘herd’ immunity(?) And get this, as Life, he lives through, suffers and experiences everything that ever occurs.

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