Friday, May 12, 2023

Total Ant Farm or Total Herd Immunity

 ๐ŸŒด๐ŸŒณ So what if God saw everything in slow motion.. Everything that could happen if he created thinking beings. Did everything in his mind before any act of creation of course.. Decided the fruit of knowing both Good and notGood would need an accelerator..

    ..Angel and man are brothers. And God is both unlimited Genius and “perfect” (Mt.5:48). Perfect makes no mistakes, cannot lose anything. We (I) may as well get with the program! Bend that knee as low as it will go! There’s only the Good and the notGood.. Why would I want to hang on to the not good!

   We’re all in the same boat going to the same place - this earthly paradise perfected and locked into perfection. There’s no other way.. A God who “is Love” cannot have it any other way.

     On my oath - to sound silly - I heard a mouse last night in the middle of the night ask my cat for mercy. I thought it was my imagination, until I found evidence this morning. Thankfully the poor little bugger was not in pieces! Do you think God would ever be happy with a universe where even one living thing or being suffered?

    There’s an important word translated “end” but it actually means “end-aim”. And it’s the root of telescope, “tel”. Telescope just happens to portray perfectly how God’s program and also prophecy progresses. In widening scopes until reaching full scope at the end-Aim.

    Surely.. during the Lord’s long second advent, he will do the same works he did during his first brief advent. With helpers serving, called reigning, for doing his works is reigning. This during “the” millennium and “the judgment”. The fire is a living metaphor of how truth consumes untruth.. It’s just the way it is. The fire - all of it - is earthly. Is prophecy, in a book of prophecy go figure.. Is events. Not a place, not even aionion. The correction (kolasis) during the judgment will be the same correction as goes on now. (Because HE chooses the chosen for their roles.)

   Jesus brought a sWord the first time! But (ultimately) God’s kingdom is like ripples in a pond.


have a good day!

Here’s a riddle - ๐Ÿ—️idea bonfire (in the parable) - Mt.13:30 w/ Rev.16:13-16?